Bytecode compilers and interpreters

January 4, 2019

Two fun things happened recently and the proximity of the two made something go click in my head and now I think I understand how bytecode interpreters work.

  1. I went to a class at work called “Interpreters 101” or something of the sort. In it, the presenter walked through creating a dead-simple tree-walking Lisp interpreter. Then he ended by suggesting we go out and re-implement it as a bytecode interpreter or even a JIT.
  2. I joined a new team at work that is working on something Python related. Because of my new job responsibilities, I have had to become rather closely acquainted with CPython 3.6 bytecode.

Since learning by writing seems to be something I do frequently, here is a blog post about writing a small bytecode compiler and interpreter in small pieces. We’ll go through it in the same manner as my lisp interpreter: start with the simplest pices and build up the rest of the stack as we need other components.

Some definitions

Before we dive right in, I’m going to make some imprecise definitions that should help differentiate types of interpreters:

My Writing a Lisp series presents a tree-walking interpreter. This much smaller post will present a bytecode interpreter. A future post may present a JIT compiler when I figure out how they work.

Without further ado, let us learn.

In the beginning, there was a tree-walking interpreter

Lisp interpreters have pretty simple semantics. Below is a sample REPL (read-eval-print-loop) where all the commands are parsed into ASTs and then evaled straightaway. See Peter Norvig’s for a similar tree-walking interpreter.

>>> 1
>>> '1'
>>> "hello"
>>> (val x 3)
>>> x
>>> (set x 7)
>>> x
>>> (if True 3 4)
>>> (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
<Function instance...>
>>> ((lambda (x) (+ x 1)) 5)
>>> (define f (x) (+ x 1))
>>> f
<Function instance...>
>>> +
<function + at...>
>>> (f 10)

For our interpreter, we’re going to write a function called compile that takes in an expression represented by a Python list (something like ['+', 5, ['+', 3, 5]]) and returns a list of bytecode instructions. Then we’ll write eval that takes in those instructions and returns a Python value (in this case, the int 13). It should behave identically to the tree-walking interpreter, except faster.


For our interpreter we’ll need a surprisingly small set of instructions, mostly lifted from the CPython runtime’s own instruction set architecture. CPython is a stack-based architecture, so ours will be too.

With these instructions we can define an entire language. Most people choose to define math operations in their instruction sets for speed, but we’ll define them as built-in functions because it’s quick and easy.

The Opcode and Instruction classes

I’ve written an Opcode enum:

import enum

class AutoNumber(enum.Enum):
    def _generate_next_value_(name, start, count, last_values):
        return count

class Opcode(AutoNumber):
    # Add opcodes like:
    # OP_NAME =

Its sole purpose is to enumerate all of the possible opcodes — we’ll add them later. Python’s enum API is pretty horrific so you can gloss over this if you like and pretend that the opcodes are just integers.

I’ve also written an Instruction class that stores opcode and optional argument pairs:

class Instruction:
    def __init__(self, opcode, arg=None):
        self.opcode = opcode
        self.arg = arg

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Instruction.{}({})>".format(, self.arg)

    def __call__(self, arg):
        return Instruction(self.opcode, arg)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        assert(isinstance(other, Instruction))
        return self.opcode == other.opcode and self.arg == other.arg

The plan is to declare one Instruction instance per opcode, naming its argument something sensible. Then when bytecode compiling, we can make instances of each instruction by calling them with a given argument. This is pretty hacky but it works alright.

# Creating top-level opcodes
STORE_NAME = Instruction(Opcode.STORE_NAME, "name")
# Creating instances

Now that we’ve got some infrastructure for compilation, let’s start compiling.


This is what our compile function looks like right now:

def compile(exp):
    raise NotImplementedError(exp)

It is not a useful compiler, but at least it will let us know what operations it does not yet support. Let’s make it more useful.

The simplest thing I can think of to compile is an integer. If we see one, we should put it on the stack. That’s all! So let’s first add some instructions that can do that, and then implement it.

class Opcode(AutoNumber):

I called it LOAD_CONST because that’s what Python calls its opcode that does something similar. “Load” is a sort of confusing word for what its doing, because that doesn’t specify where it’s being loaded. If you want, you can call this PUSH_CONST, which in my opinion better implies that it is to be pushed onto the VM stack. I also specify CONST because this instruction should only be used for literal values: 5, "hello", etc. Something where the value is completely defined by the expression itself.

Here’s the parallel for the Instruction class (defined at the module scope):

LOAD_CONST = Instruction(Opcode.LOAD_CONST, "const")

The argument name "const" is there only for bytecode documentation for the reader. It will be replaced by an actual value when this instruction is created and executed. Next, let’s add in a check to catch this case.

def compile(exp):
    if isinstance(exp, int):
        return [LOAD_CONST(exp)]
    raise NotImplementedError(exp)

Oh, yeah. compile is going to walk the expression tree and merge together lists of instructions from compiled sub-expressions — so every branch has to return a list. This will look better when we have nested cases. Let’s test it out:

assert compile(5) == [LOAD_CONST(5)]
assert compile(7) == [LOAD_CONST(7)]

Now that we’ve got an instruction, we should also be able to run it. So let’s set up a basic eval loop:

def eval(self, code):
    pc = 0
    while pc < len(code):
        ins = code[pc]
        op = ins.opcode
        pc += 1
        raise NotImplementedError(op)

Here pc is short for “program counter”, which is equivalent to the term “instruction pointer”, if you’re more familiar with that. The idea is that we iterate through the instructions one by one, executing them in order.

This loop will throw when it cannot handle a particular instruction, so it is reasonable scaffolding, but not much more. Let’s add a case to handle LOAD_CONST in eval.

def eval(code):
    pc = 0
    stack = []
    while pc < len(code):
        ins = code[pc]
        op = ins.opcode
        pc += 1
        if op == Opcode.LOAD_CONST:
            raise NotImplementedError(op)
    if stack:
        return stack[-1]

Note, since it will come in handy later, that eval returns the value on the top of the stack. This is the beginning of our calling convention, which we’ll flesh out more as the post continues. Let’s see if this whole thing works, end to end.

assert eval(compile(5)) == 5
assert eval(compile(7)) == 7

And now let’s run it:

willow% python3 ~/tmp/


Naming things

My name, and yours, and the true name of the sun, or a spring of
water, or an unborn child, all are syllables of the great word that
is very slowly spoken by the shining of the stars. There is no other
power. No other name.

-- Ursula K Le Guin, A Wizard of Earthsea

Now, numbers aren’t much fun if you can’t do anything with them. Right now the only valid programs are programs that push one number onto the stack. Let’s add some opcodes that put those values into variables.

We’ll be adding STORE_NAME, which takes one value off the stack and stores it in the current environment, and LOAD_NAME, which reads a value from the current environment and pushes it onto the stack.

class Opcode(AutoNumber):

# ...

STORE_NAME = Instruction(Opcode.STORE_NAME, "name")
LOAD_NAME = Instruction(Opcode.LOAD_NAME, "name")

Let’s talk about our representation of environments. Our Env class looks like this (based on Dmitry Soshnikov’s “Spy” interpreter):

class Env(object):
    # table holds the variable assignments within the env. It is a dict that
    # maps names to values.
    def __init__(self, table, parent=None):
        self.table = table
        self.parent = parent

    # define() maps a name to a value in the current env.
    def define(self, name, value):
        self.table[name] = value

    # assign() maps a name to a value in whatever env that name is bound,
    # raising a ReferenceError if it is not yet bound.
    def assign(self, name, value):
        self.resolve(name).define(name, value)

    # lookup() returns the value associated with a name in whatever env it is
    # bound, raising a ReferenceError if it is not bound.
    def lookup(self, name):
        return self.resolve(name).table[name]

    # resolve() finds the env in which a name is bound and returns the whole
    # associated env object, raising a ReferenceError if it is not bound.
    def resolve(self, name):
        if name in self.table:
            return self

        if self.parent is None:
            raise ReferenceError(name)

        return self.parent.resolve(name)

    # is_defined() checks if a name is bound.
    def is_defined(self, name):
            return True
        except ReferenceError:
            return False

Our execution model will make one new Env per function call frame and one new env per closure frame, but we’re not quite there yet. So if that doesn’t yet make sense, ignore it for now.

What we care about right now is the global environment. We’re going to make one top-level environment for storing values. We’ll then thread that through the eval function so that we can use it. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Let’s start by compiling.

def compile(exp):
    if isinstance(exp, int):
        return [LOAD_CONST(exp)]
    elif isinstance(exp, list):
        assert len(exp) > 0
        if exp[0] == 'val':  # (val n v)
            assert len(exp) == 3
            _, name, subexp = exp
            return compile(subexp) + [STORE_NAME(name)]
    raise NotImplementedError(exp)

I’ve added this second branch to check if the expression is a list, since we’ll mostly be dealing with lists now. Since we also have just about zero error-handling right now, I’ve also added some asserts to help with code simplicity.

In the val case, we want to extract the name and the subexpression — remember, we won’t just be compiling simple values like 5; the values might be (+ 1 2). Then, we want to compile the subexpression and add a STORE_NAME instruction. We can’t test that just yet — we don’t have more complicated expressions — but we’ll get there soon enough. Let’s test what we can, though:

assert compile(['val', 'x', 5]) == [LOAD_CONST(5), STORE_NAME('x')]

Now let’s move back to eval.

def eval(code, env):
    pc = 0
    stack = []
    while pc < len(code):
        ins = code[pc]
        op = ins.opcode
        pc += 1
        if op == Opcode.LOAD_CONST:
        elif op == Opcode.STORE_NAME:
            val = stack.pop(-1)
            env.define(ins.arg, val)
            raise NotImplementedError(ins)
    if stack:
        return stack[-1]

You’ll notice that I’ve

We’ll have to modify our other tests to pass an env parameter — you can just pass None if you are feeling lazy.

Let’s make our first environment and test out STORE_NAME. For this, I’m going to make an environment and test that storing a name in it side-effects that environment.

env = Env({}, parent=None)
eval([LOAD_CONST(5), STORE_NAME('x')], env)
assert env.table['x'] == 5

Now we should probably go about adding compiler and evaluator functionality for reading those stored values. The compiler will just have to check for variable accesses, represented just as strings.

def compile(exp):
    if isinstance(exp, int):
        return [LOAD_CONST(exp)]
    elif isinstance(exp, str):
        return [LOAD_NAME(exp)]
    # ...

And add a test for it:

assert compile('x') == [LOAD_NAME('x')]

Now that we can generate LOAD_NAME, let’s add eval support for it. If we did anything right, its implementation should pretty closely mirror that of its sister instruction.

def eval(code, env):
    # ...
    while pc < len(code):
        # ...
        elif op == Opcode.STORE_NAME:
            val = stack.pop(-1)
            env.define(ins.arg, val)
        elif op == Opcode.LOAD_NAME:
            val = env.lookup(ins.arg)
        # ...
    # ...

To test it, we’ll first manually store a name into the environment, then see if LOAD_NAME can read it back out.

env = Env({'x': 5}, parent=None)
assert eval([LOAD_NAME('x')], env) == 5


Built-in functions

We can add as many opcodes as features we need, or we can add one opcode that allows us to call native (Python) code and extend our interpreter that way. Which approach you take is mostly a matter of taste.

In our case, we’ll add the CALL_FUNCTION opcode, which will be used both for built-in functions and for user-defined functions. We’ll get to user-defined functions later.

CALL_FUNCTION will be generated when an expression is of the form (x0 x1 x2 ...) and x0 is not one of the pre-set recognized names like val. The compiler should generate code to load first the function, then the arguments onto the stack. Then it should issue the CALL_FUNCTION instruction. This is very similar to CPython’s implementation.

I’m not going to reproduce the Opcode declaration, because all of those look the same, but here is my Instruction declaration:

CALL_FUNCTION = Instruction(Opcode.CALL_FUNCTION, "nargs")

The CALL_FUNCTION instruction takes with it the number of arguments passed to the function so that we can call it correctly. Note that we do this instead of storing the correct number of arguments in the function because functions could take variable numbers of arguments.

Let’s compile some call expressions.

def compile(exp):
    # ...
    elif isinstance(exp, list):
        assert len(exp) > 0
        if exp[0] == 'val':
            assert len(exp) == 3
            _, name, subexp = exp
            return compile(subexp) + [STORE_NAME(name)]
            args = exp[1:]
            nargs = len(args)
            arg_code = sum([compile(arg) for arg in args], [])
            return compile(exp[0]) + arg_code + [CALL_FUNCTION(nargs)]
    # ...

I’ve added a default case for list expressions. See that it compiles the name, then the arguments, then issues a CALL_FUNCTION. Let’s test it out with 0, 1, and more arguments.

assert compile(['hello']) == [LOAD_NAME('hello'), CALL_FUNCTION(0)]
assert compile(['hello', 1]) == [LOAD_NAME('hello'), LOAD_CONST(1),
assert compile(['hello', 1, 2]) == [LOAD_NAME('hello'), LOAD_CONST(1),
                                    LOAD_CONST(2), CALL_FUNCTION(2)]

Now let’s implement eval.

def eval(code, env):
    # ...
    while pc < len(code):
        # ...
        elif op == Opcode.CALL_FUNCTION:
            nargs = ins.arg
            args = [stack.pop(-1) for i in range(nargs)][::-1]
            fn = stack.pop(-1)
            assert callable(fn)
            raise NotImplementedError(ins)
    # ...

Notice that we’re reading the arguments off the stack — in reverse order — and then reading the function off the stack. Everything is read the opposite way it is pushed onto the stack, since, you know, it’s a stack.

We also check that the fn is callable. This is a Python-ism. Since we’re allowing raw Python objects on the stack, we have to make sure that we’re actually about to call a Python function. Then we’ll call that function with a list of arguments and push its result on the stack.

Here’s what this looks like in real life, in a test:

env = Env({'+': lambda args: args[0] + args[1]}, None)
assert eval(compile(['+', 1, 2]), env) == 3

This is pretty neat. If we stuff lambda expressions into environments, we get these super easy built-in functions. But that’s not quite the most optimal + function. Let’s make a variadic one for fun.

env = Env({'+': sum}, None)
assert eval(compile(['+', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), env) == 15
assert eval(compile(['+']), env) == 0

Since we pass the arguments a list, we can do all sorts of whack stuff like this!

Since I only alluded to it earlier, let’s add a test for compiling nested expressions in STORE_NAME.

env = Env({'+': sum}, None)
eval(compile(['val', 'x', ['+', 1, 2, 3]]), env)
assert env.table['x'] == 6

Go ahead and add all the builtin functions that your heart desires… like print!

env = Env({'print': print}, None)
eval(compile(['print', 1, 2, 3]), env)

You should see the arguments passed in the correct order. Note that if you are using Python 2, you should wrap the print in a lambda, since print is not a function.


Without conditionals, we can’t really do much with our language. While we could choose to implement conditionals eagerly as built-in functions, we’re going to do “normal” conditionals. Conditionals that lazily evaluate their branches. This can’t be done with our current execution model because all arguments are evaluated before being passed to built-in functions.

We’re going to do conditionals the traditional way:

(if a b c)

will compile to


We’re also going to take the CPython approach in generating relative jumps instead of absolute jumps. This way we don’t need a separate target resolution step.

To accomplish this, we’ll add two the opcodes and instructions listed above:

RELATIVE_JUMP = Instruction(Opcode.RELATIVE_JUMP, "off")

Each of them takes an offset in instructions of how far to jump. This could be positive or negative — for loops, perhaps — but right now we will only generate positive offsets.

We’ll add one new case in the compiler:

def compile(exp):
    # ...
    elif isinstance(exp, list):
        # ...
        elif exp[0] == 'if':
            assert len(exp) == 4
            _, cond, iftrue, iffalse = exp
            iftrue_code = compile(iftrue)
            iffalse_code = compile(iffalse) + [RELATIVE_JUMP(len(iftrue_code))]
            return (compile(cond)
                    + [RELATIVE_JUMP_IF_TRUE(len(iffalse_code))]
                    + iffalse_code
                    + iftrue_code)
        # ...

First compile the condition. Then, compile the branch that will execute if the condition passes. The if-false branch is a little bit tricky because I am also including the jump-to-end in there. This is so that the offset calculation for the jump to the if-true branch is correct (I need not add +1).

Let’s add some tests to check our work:

assert compile(['if', 1, 2, 3]) == [LOAD_CONST(1), RELATIVE_JUMP_IF_TRUE(2),
                                    LOAD_CONST(3), RELATIVE_JUMP(1),
assert compile(['if', 1, ['+', 1, 2], ['+', 3, 4]]) == \

I added the second test to double-check that nested expressions work correctly. Looks like they do. On to eval!

This part should be pretty simple — adjust the pc, sometimes conditionally.

def eval(code, env):
    # ...
    while pc < len(code):
        # ...
        elif op == Opcode.RELATIVE_JUMP_IF_TRUE:
            cond = stack.pop(-1)
            if cond:
                pc += ins.arg  # pc has already been incremented
        elif op == Opcode.RELATIVE_JUMP:
            pc += ins.arg  # pc has already been incremented
        # ...
    # ...

If it takes a second to convince yourself that this is not off-by-one, that makes sense. Took me a little bit too. And hey, if convincing yourself isn’t good enough, here are some tests.

assert eval(compile(['if', 'true', 2, 3]), Env({'true': True})) == 2
assert eval(compile(['if', 'false', 2, 3]), Env({'false': False})) == 3
assert eval(compile(['if', 1, ['+', 1, 2], ['+', 3, 4]]), Env({'+': sum})) == 3

Defining your own functions

User-defined functions are absolutely key to having a usable programming language. Let’s let our users do that. Again, we’re using Dmitry’s Function representation, which is wonderfully simple.

class Function(object):
    def __init__(self, params, body, env):
        self.params = params
        self.body = body
        self.env = env # closure!

The params will be a tuple of names, the body a tuple of instructions, and the env an Env.

In our language, all functions will be closures. They can reference variables defined in the scope where the function is defined (and above). We’ll use the following forms:

((lambda (x) (+ x 1)) 5)
; or
(define inc (x) (+ x 1))
(inc 5)

In fact, we’re going to use a syntax transformation to re-write defines in terms of val and lambda. This isn’t required, but it’s kind of neat.

For this whole thing to work, we’re going to need a new opcode: MAKE_FUNCTION. This will convert some objects stored on the stack into a Function object.

MAKE_FUNCTION = Instruction(Opcode.MAKE_FUNCTION, "nargs")

This takes an integer, the number of arguments that the function expects. Right now we only allow positional, non-optional arguments. If we wanted to have additional calling conventions, we’d have to add them later.

Let’s take a look at compile.

def compile(exp):
    # ...
    elif isinstance(exp, list):
        assert len(exp) > 0
        # ...
        elif exp[0] == 'lambda':
            assert len(exp) == 3
            (_, params, body) = exp
            return [LOAD_CONST(tuple(params)),
        elif exp[0] == 'define':
            assert len(exp) == 4
            (_, name, params, body) = exp
            return compile(['lambda', params, body]) + [STORE_NAME(name)]
    # ...

For lambda, it’s pretty straightforward. Push the params, push the body code, make a function.

define is a little sneaker. It acts as a macro and rewrites the AST before compiling it. If we wanted to be more professional, we could make a macro system so that the standard library could define define and if… but that’s too much for right now. But still. It’s pretty neat.

Before we move on to eval, let’s quickly check our work.

assert compile(['lambda', ['x'], ['+', 'x', 1]]) == \
assert compile(['define', 'f', ['x'], ['+', 'x', 1]]) == \

Alright alright alright. Let’s get these functions created. We need to handle the MAKE_FUNCTION opcode in eval.

def eval(code, env):
    # ...
    while pc < len(code):
        # ...
        elif op == Opcode.MAKE_FUNCTION:
            nargs = ins.arg
            body_code = stack.pop(-1)
            params = stack.pop(-1)
            assert len(params) == nargs
            stack.append(Function(params, body_code, env))
        # ...
    # ...

As with calling functions, we read everything in the reverse of the order that we pushed it. First the body, then the params — checking that they’re the right length — then push the new Function object.

But Functions aren’t particularly useful without being callable. There are two strategies for calling functions, one slightly slicker than the other. You can choose which you like.

The first strategy, the simple one, is to add another case in CALL_FUNCTION that handles Function objects. This is what most people do in most programming languages. It looks like this:

def eval(code, env):
    # ...
    while pc < len(code):
        # ...
        elif op == Opcode.CALL_FUNCTION:
            nargs = ins.arg
            args = [stack.pop(-1) for i in range(nargs)][::-1]
            fn = stack.pop(-1)
            if callable(fn):
            elif isinstance(fn, Function):
                actuals_record = dict(zip(fn.params, args))
                body_env = Env(actuals_record, fn.env)
                stack.append(eval(fn.body, body_env))
                raise RuntimeError("Cannot call {}".format(fn))
        # ...
    # ...

Notice that the function environment consists solely of the given arguments and its parent is the stored environment — not the current one.

The other approach is more Pythonic, I think. It turns Function into a callable object, putting the custom setup code into Function itself. If you opt to do this, leave CALL_FUNCTION alone and modify Function this way:

class Function(object):
    def __init__(self, params, body, env):
        self.params = params
        self.body = body
        self.env = env # closure!

    def __call__(self, actuals):
        actuals_record = dict(zip(self.params, actuals))
        body_env = Env(actuals_record, self.env)
        return eval(self.body, body_env)

Then eval should call the Function as if it were a normal Python function. Cool… or gross, depending on what programming languages you are used to working with.

They should both work as follows:

env = Env({'+': sum}, None)
assert eval(compile([['lambda', 'x', ['+', 'x', 1]], 5]), env) == 6

eval(compile(['define', 'f', ['x'], ['+', 'x', 1]]), env)
assert isinstance(env.table['f'], Function)

Hell, even recursion works! Let’s write ourselves a little factorial function.

import operator
env = Env({
    '*': lambda args: args[0] * args[1],
    '-': lambda args: args[0] - args[1],
    'eq': lambda args: operator.eq(*args),
}, None)
eval(compile(['define', 'factorial', ['x'],
                ['eq', 'x', 0],
                ['*', 'x', ['factorial', ['-', 'x', 1]]]]]), env)
assert eval(compile(['factorial', 5]), env) == 120

Which works, but it feels like we’re lacking the ability to sequence operations… because we are! So let’s add that.

One teensy little thing is missing

It should suffice to write a function compile_program that can take a list of expressions, compile them, and join them. This alone is not enough, though. We should expose that to the user so that they can sequence operations when they need to. So let’s also add a begin keyword.

def compile_program(prog):
    return [instr for exp in prog for instr in compile(exp)]  # flatten

And then a case in compile:

def compile(exp):
    # ...
    elif isinstance(exp, list):
        # ...
        elif exp[0] == 'begin':
            return compile_program(exp[1:])
            args = exp[1:]
            nargs = len(args)
            arg_code = sum([compile(arg) for arg in args], [])
            return compile(exp[0]) + arg_code + [CALL_FUNCTION(nargs)]
    raise NotImplementedError(exp)

And of course a test:

import operator
env = Env({
    '*': lambda args: args[0] * args[1],
    '-': lambda args: args[0] - args[1],
    'eq': lambda args: operator.eq(*args),
}, None)
assert eval(compile(['begin',
    ['define', 'factorial', ['x'],
        ['eq', 'x', 0],
        ['*', 'x', ['factorial', ['-', 'x', 1]]]]],
    ['factorial', 5]
]), env) == 120

And you’re done!

You’re off to the races. You’ve just written a bytecode interpreter in Python or whatever language you are using to follow along. There are many ways to extend and improve it. Maybe those will be the subject of a future post. Here are a few I can think of: