Compiling a Lisp: The smallest program

August 30, 2020


Welcome to the first post in the “Compiling a Lisp” series. We’re going to write a small program today. Before we actually compile anything, though, let’s build up a bit of a foundation for code execution. That way, we can see the code compile and run and be satisfied with the results of both.

Instead of compiling to disk, like most compilers you may be familiar with (GCC, Clang, DMD, Python, etc), we’re going to compile in memory. This means that every time we run the program we have to compile it again, but it also means we don’t have to deal with whatever on-disk format an executable has to be on your platform (ELF, Mach-O, etc). We can just point the processor at the code and say “go”. This style of compilation is known as “Just-in-Time” compilation, because the compilation happens right when you need it, and not before1.

Let’s start with a small demo.

#include <assert.h>   /* for assert */
#include <stddef.h>   /* for NULL */
#include <string.h>   /* for memcpy */
#include <sys/mman.h> /* for mmap and friends */

const unsigned char program[] = {
    // mov eax, 42 (0x2a)
    0xb8, 0x2a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
    // ret

const int kProgramSize = sizeof program;

typedef int (*JitFunction)();

int main() {
  void *memory = mmap(/*addr=*/NULL, /*length=*/kProgramSize,
                      /*prot=*/PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
                      /*flags=*/MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE,
                      /*filedes=*/-1, /*offset=*/0);
  memcpy(memory, program, kProgramSize);
  int result = mprotect(memory, kProgramSize, PROT_EXEC);
  assert(result == 0 && "mprotect failed");
  JitFunction function = *(JitFunction*)&memory;
  int return_code = function();
  assert(return_code == 42 && "the assembly was wrong");
  result = munmap(memory, kProgramSize);
  assert(result == 0 && "munmap failed");
  return return_code;

This C program:

  1. Allocates writable memory (mmap)
  2. Copies a program into it (memcpy)
  3. Makes the memory executable (mprotect)
  4. Calls the memory as a function
  5. Deallocates memory (munmap)

The order of those steps is important! This C program will fail, usually with a segmentation fault, if you mix them up or skip one of them.

If you want to understand the pointer shenanigans see the footnote2, but if you would like to ignore it and pretend I never did that please keep reading. The program works, though:

sequoia% gcc -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -fno-strict-aliasing mmap-demo.c
sequoia% ./a.out 
sequoia% echo $?

Let’s back up and go through that demo line-by-line. I’ll skip the includes since that’s just part of life in C.

The machine code

First let’s take a look at our program. Here we have some raw machine code encoded as hex bytes, with helpful commentary by yours truly explaining what the bytes mean in human-speak.

const unsigned char program[] = {
    // mov eax, 42 (0x2a)
    0xb8, 0x2a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
    // ret

I generated this code by going to the Compiler Explorer, making the compiler compile to binary, and typing in a C program that just returns 423.

This is as good a method as any for doing some initial research for what instructions you want to emit. You’ll have to look a little further afield (like in this quick reference or the official Intel x86-64 manual) if you want to figure out how to encode instructions without manually having a table for all the variations you want. We’ll touch more on that later.

In this machine code, 0xb8 is the instruction for “move the following 32-bit integer to the register eax”. It’s a special case of the mov instruction. eax is (the lower half of) one of several general-purpose registers in x86-64. It is also the register conventionally used for return values, but that could vary between calling conventions. It’s not important to know all the details of every calling convention, but it is important to know that a calling convention is just that — a convention. It is an agreement between the people who write functions and the people who call functions about how data gets passed around. In this case, we are moving 42 into eax because eax is the return register in the System V AMD64 calling convention (used on macOS, Linux, other Unices these days) and because we’re calling this hand-built function from C like any other function. It needs to be a well-behaved citizen and put data in places the compiler writers expected.

The next 4 bytes are the number, going from least significant byte to most significant byte.

Finally, 0xc3 is the instruction for ret. ret fetches the return address of the function that called our function off the stack, and jumps to it. This transfers control back to the main function of the C program.

When you put all of that together, you get a very small but well-formed program that returns 42.

The typedef

Next, we use C’s function pointer syntax to declare a type JitFunction that refers to a function that takes no arguments and returns an int.

typedef int (*JitFunction)();

While technically we should specify the size of the integer (after all, we know we want to return a 32-bit integer), I avoided that in this demo because it adds more headers and visual noise.

This declaration, when used with the actual call to the function, tells the C compiler how to arrange the registers and the stack for the call.

The mmap and memcpy dance

Now we allocate a new chunk of memory. We don’t use malloc to do it because mprotect needs the address to be page-aligned. Maybe it’s possible to use malloc and then posix_memalign, but I’ve never seen anybody do that. So we mmap it.

I don’t want to explain all the possible parameter configurations for mmap, especially because they vary between systems. Our configuration requests:

And, since memory is kind of useless if we don’t do anything with it, we copy the program into it.

  void *memory = mmap(/*addr=*/NULL, /*length=*/kProgramSize,
                      /*prot=*/PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
                      /*flags=*/MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE,
                      /*filedes=*/-1, /*offset=*/0);
  memcpy(memory, program, kProgramSize);

You might be wondering why we need to make a whole new buffer and copy into it if we already have some memory containing the code. There are at least two reasons.

First, we need to guarantee that the memory is page-aligned for mprotect – same as above.

Second, in our actual compiler we won’t just have some static array that we copy code from. We’re going to be producing it on the fly and appending to a buffer as we go. We’ll be re-using this mmap dance, but not necessarily the memcpy.

The mprotect

Modern operating systems implement a security feature called “W^X”, pronounced “write xor execute”. This policy prohibits a piece of memory from being both writable and executable at the same time, which makes it harder for people to find exploits in buggy software.

In order to both write our program into a buffer, we need to have an explicit transition point where our memory goes from being both readable and writable to executable. This is mprotect.

  int result = mprotect(memory, kProgramSize, PROT_EXEC);
  assert(result == 0 && "mprotect failed");

If we didn’t do this, something bad would happen at runtime. On my machine, I get a segmentation fault.

The cast

In order to actually call the function, we need to first wrangle the void* into the right type. While we could do the cast and call in one line, I find it easier to read to cast first and call later.

  JitFunction function = *(JitFunction*)&memory;

The call

Ahh, some action! This very innocuous-looking code is maybe the most exciting part of the whole program. We finally take our code, marked executable, treat it the same as any old C function, and call it!

  int return_code = function();
  assert(return_code == 42 && "the assembly was wrong");

The first time I got this working I was very happy with myself.

The clean up

Just as every malloc must be paired with a free, every mmap must be paired with a munmap. Unlike free, munmap returns an error code so we check it.

  result = munmap(memory, kProgramSize);
  assert(result == 0 && "munmap failed");

Some proof

Just so we can convince ourselves that our program actually worked (who knows, maybe the asserts didn’t run), propagate the result of our function call to the outside world. We can then check the return code in $?.

  return return_code;

Note that while the return type of main is int, return codes can only be between 0 and 255, as they are char-sized.

Wrapping up

That was a lot of words for explaining return 42. Hopefully they were helpful words. With this small demo, we’ve gotten used to some building blocks that we’ll use when compiling and executing Lisp programs.

Next up, compiling integers.

Mini Table of Contents

  1. Unlike other JITs, though, we won’t be doing any of the fancy inline caching, deoptimization, or other tricks. We’re just going to compile the code, compile it once, and move on with our lives. 

  2. Hold your nose and ignore the ugly pointer casting. This avoids the compiler complaining even with -pedantic on. It’s technically not legal to cast between data pointers and function pointers, but POSIX systems are required to support it. Also relevant are the C strict aliasing rules, so we use -fno-strict-aliasing. I’m not an expert on what that means so see this nice StackOverflow post

  3.   int main() {
        return 42;